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  • Writer's pictureCatherine Ooi

Avoid Doing These Things to Build Wealth

Three different jars with ascending order amount of coins and leafy shoot growth

If you’re aiming to break free from the ordinary path and build (real) wealth, it’s crucial to avoid common pitfalls. 

Many believe that becoming wealthy is all about working hard and saving money, but it’s more nuanced. The truth is, you need the right mindset, habits, and strategies about building wealth.

In this article, we’ll explore seven general mindsets you should avoid if you want to achieve financial success and build wealth. It’s not just about making money—it’s about making smart choices and investing in yourself and your future.

1. Working Just For Money

Purple inked doodle on the calendar indicating payday

Many fall into the trap of taking well-paying jobs that offer no growth opportunities. This is when it’s important to see the long-term picture to build wealth—building skills and equity, not just earning a pay cheque.

To put yourself on the right track, it’s wise to learn some high-income skills like sales copywriting, project management, or website development that make you a valuable asset over time.

2. Buying A Luxury Lifestyle

It’s easy to be tempted by flashy cars and expensive holidays, but most people living this way aren’t truly wealthy. They often end up piling on debt just to appear “rich.”

Instead of buying depreciating assets like cars, invest in appreciating assets like stocks, real estate, or cryptocurrency. These investments grow in value, which is key to building real wealth over time.

3. Doing Everything Yourself

A guy working alone in the office in the dark

The saying goes, “If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.” Even successful entrepreneurs like Elon Musk started with a supportive network.

Collaboration is key here—it’s completely okay to leverage your team members’ skills to boost your growth. If you’re working side hustles, consider how you can delegate tasks to others who are better suited to handle them, rather than exhausting yourself unnecessarily to get something you’re unfamiliar with, done.

4. Having Too Many Inputs

It might seem smart to gather many opinions when you want to build wealth, but too much advice can overwhelm you. You wouldn’t know exactly which advice to take in.

How do you find clarity?

Start by defining a clear goal and focussing on the advice that truly helps you reach it. Embrace quality over quantity by seeking insights from experts in specific fields rather than cramming your mind with advice from a wide range of influencers.

5. Being Ego-Driven

Arrogance can be a wealth killer.

If you assume you know everything, you’re likely missing out on learning new trends or technologies that could help you create more value. Staying humble and open to learning helps you grow. Remember, what you know is just the tip of the iceberg.

True success lies in understanding there’s always more to learn.

6. Passing the Blame

Graphic illustration demonstrating two different human heads with a fixed and growth mindset

Ultimately, you’re responsible for your own growth and financial situation.

In other words, make it a personal value to take responsibility for your actions. Instead of always blaming external factors when things go wrong, focus on what you can controlyour willingness to learn and acknowledge mistakes.

Shifting to a growth mindset can help you overcome obstacles and keep moving forward past mistakes.

7. Staying Static

While it’s understandable our comfort zone feels safe, it can become a prison if you stay in it too long. Staying static won’t allow you to find new opportunities that can transform your financial life. 

How about giving yourself a challenge by taking more (manageable, calculated) risks and be open to exploring untapped markets or industries? 

At the same time, expanding your skill set and gaining new experiences can broaden your perspective on building sustainable wealth.

It's Not Just About Money to Build Wealth

Building wealth isn’t just about money.

It’s about developing the right mindset, skills, and network. By keeping these pitfalls in mind, you are setting yourself up for success in your financial life, and you are on track in building long-term wealth that surpasses yourself.

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