Our second live event in collaboration with Guinness focused on a topic that resonates with many: Dating in Your 20s. Peter and Frankie shared personal anecdotes, financial relationship advice, and answered burning questions on navigating the complexities of relationships. Here are the highlights:

Building Confidence and Being Genuine
The one message that was emphasized the most was the importance of building self-confidence and staying true to yourself.
Be Yourself: Confidence comes from doing what you love and perfecting your craft. When you focus on becoming a genuine version of yourself, you naturally attract people who appreciate you for who you are.
Staying Grounded: Relationships can be challenging, and it’s crucial to stay rooted in reality instead of falling into extremes. Define what matters in your relationship and build it on trust and mutual respect.
Frankie’s journey to finding his wife was a heartwarming tale of serendipity. Starting as university course mates, his playful nature eventually evolved into deeper conversations and genuine care. Their relationship blossomed when he realized the value of their bond during her move to Australia. This story is a reminder that sometimes, love finds you when you least expect it.

Navigating Finances in Relationships
Money can be a sensitive topic in any relationship, but Peter and Frankie shared practical lessons from their experiences.
Peter’s Take: A relationship should be a give, give situation. If it starts to feel one-sided, take a step back to evaluate without scrutinizing. Relationships evolve, and it’s important to allow time for adjustments. However, if issues persist, it’s essential to question whether the relationship is still healthy.
Frankie’s Experience: Balancing finances in long-distance relationships can be tricky. Flying to Singapore every weekend to see his fiancée became financially exhausting, but her understanding and willingness to share expenses kept things balanced. This mutual appreciation of effort and financial compromise is a cornerstone of any strong relationship.

Partner Therapy or Pre-Marriage Courses?
One audience question sparked a meaningful discussion on relationship guidance.
Both Peter and Frankie advocated for pre-marriage courses as a way to open communication and set expectations before committing to marriage. These courses encourage reflection and help couples strengthen their bond.
While therapy can be valuable, they warned that biases from a therapist could complicate relationships. For couples in early stages or without significant issues, a course provides a less intrusive way to foster growth and understanding.

The Takeaway
Relationships in your 20s are about self-discovery, mutual growth, and finding balance. Whether it’s through building confidence, navigating financial challenges, or opening up through courses, the key is to remain genuine and intentional.
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